This page lists all the mp3 filenames that cannot be found by the plugin. The typical causes are:
- The mp3 filename entered in the particular languages gsheet does NOT match the actual filename
- The file is missing
- Sometimes the file has been wrongly named .mp3.mp3 or similar
Remember, filenames must be all lower case and contain only alphanumeric characters and _ and – :
english i’m_going_to_the_hotel.mp3
The one above it wrong because it contains a space and an ‘ .
For your particular language, please review the errors and change the filename and/or the gsheet filename value so they match.
Note: You will NOT be able to confirm that the change has fixed the problem until the filenames are uploaded to the server and the database synced to the gsheet.
Language 1
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 2
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 3
Missing Audio File : italian_bank_and_money_where_is_the_bank.mp3 for Core->Bank and Money->Where is the bank? (ID: 316112)
Phrase Errors: 1
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 4
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 5
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 6
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 7
Missing Audio File : croatian_hundreds.mp3 for Core->Bank and Money->hundreds (ID: 716117)
Missing Audio File : croatian_i_m_tired.mp3i for Core->Health->I'm allergic (ID: 717126)
Missing Audio File : croatian_for_children.mp3 for Core->Transport->for children? (ID: 7113291)
Phrase Errors: 3
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 8
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 9
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 10
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 11
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 12
Phrase Errors: 0
Standard Phrases Errors: 0
Language 13
Phrase Errors: 0
Missing Standard Before Phrase Audio File : hindi_are_there_any.mp3 for standard phrase Are there any (ID: 5)
Standard Phrases Errors: 1
Language 14
Missing Audio File : arabic_how_many_dishes_does_the_tasting_menu_have.mp3 for Culinary tourism->Fine dining->How many dishes does the tasting menu have? (ID: 14425612)
Missing Audio File : arabic_artefact.mp3 for Historical tourism->Museums and Galleries->artefact (ID: 14631832)
Missing Audio File : arabic_the_stories_were_first_written_down_in.mp3 for Historical tourism->Folklore->The stories were first written down in (ID: 146361067)
Phrase Errors: 3
Standard Phrases Errors: 0