This page lists all the mp3 filenames that cannot be found by the plugin. The typical causes are:

  1. The mp3 filename entered in the particular languages gsheet does NOT match the actual filename
  2. The file is missing
  3. Sometimes the file has been wrongly named .mp3.mp3 or similar

Remember, filenames must be all lower case and contain only alphanumeric characters and _ and – :
english i’m_going_to_the_hotel.mp3

The one above it wrong because it contains a space and an ‘ .

For your particular language, please review the errors and change the filename and/or the gsheet filename value so they match.

Note: You will NOT be able to confirm that the change has fixed the problem until the filenames are uploaded to the server and the database synced to the gsheet.

Language 1

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 2

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 3

Missing Audio File : italian_bank_and_money_where_is_the_bank.mp3 for Core->Bank and Money->Where is the bank? (ID: 316112)

Phrase Errors: 1

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 4

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 5

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 6

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 7

Missing Audio File : croatian_hundreds.mp3 for Core->Bank and Money->hundreds (ID: 716117)

Missing Audio File : croatian_i_m_tired.mp3i for Core->Health->I'm allergic (ID: 717126)

Missing Audio File : croatian_for_children.mp3 for Core->Transport->for children? (ID: 7113291)

Phrase Errors: 3

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 8

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 9

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 10

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 11

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 12

Phrase Errors: 0

Standard Phrases Errors: 0

Language 13

Phrase Errors: 0

Missing Standard Before Phrase Audio File : hindi_are_there_any.mp3 for standard phrase Are there any (ID: 5)

Standard Phrases Errors: 1

Language 14

Missing Audio File : arabic_how_many_dishes_does_the_tasting_menu_have.mp3 for Culinary tourism->Fine dining->How many dishes does the tasting menu have? (ID: 14425612)

Missing Audio File : arabic_artefact.mp3 for Historical tourism->Museums and Galleries->artefact (ID: 14631832)

Missing Audio File : arabic_the_stories_were_first_written_down_in.mp3 for Historical tourism->Folklore->The stories were first written down in (ID: 146361067)

Phrase Errors: 3

Standard Phrases Errors: 0